Our Expertise & Publications on
Evaluation, Regulation & Management of Water Quality Impacts of
Sediment-Associated Contaminants
Dredging & Dredged Sediment Disposal
Due to webhosting changes, some links shown within some reports and papers listed below may no longer be active. You may email Dr. Lee at [email protected] to obtain the current link.
Overview of Issues Concerning Reliable Assessment & Regulation of Sediment-Associated Contaminants
Our Experience in Contaminated Sediment Evaluation, Regulation, & Management
Our Experience in Impacts of Dredging & Dredged Sediment Disposal

Publications are available in the following areas:

Sediment Quality Criteria & Objectives

Lee, G. F., and Jones-Lee, A., “Comments on ‘Draft Methodology for Derivation of Pesticide Sediment Quality Criteria for the Protection of Aquatic Life,’ May 2011 Phase I: Review of Existing Methodologies Prepared by T. Fojut, M. Vasquez, and R. Tjeerdema,” Peer Review Report to University of California, Davis by G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, July 7 (2011). [44 kb]

Lee, G. F., and Jones-Lee, A., “Comments on ‘Draft Staff Report Substitute Environmental Document Proposed Amendments to the Water Quality Control Plan for Enclosed Bays and Estuaries – Part 1 Sediment Quality for the Protection of Fish and Wildlife’ Report of State Water Resources Control Board Division of Water Quality, January 28, 2011,” Submitted to State Water Resources Control Board, Report of G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, March 14 (2011). [216 kb]

Lee, G. F., and Jones-Lee, A., “Conclusions & Recommendations – Developing Updated Sediment Quality Objectives,” PowerPoint Summary of Lee, G.F., and Jones-Lee, A., “Comments on ‘Draft Staff Report Substitute Environmental Document Proposed Amendments to the Water Quality Control Plan for Enclosed Bays and Estuaries–Part 1 Sediment Quality for the Protection of Fish and Wildlife’ Report of SWRCB Division of Water Quality, January 28, 2011,” Submitted to State Water Resources Control Board, Report of G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, March 14 (2011). [192 kb]

Lee, G. F., and Jones-Lee, A., “Comments on the Unreliability of Using Sediment Chemical Concentrations for Evaluating Cause of Sediment Toxicity and Altered Benthic Organism Assemblages in San Diego Bay Sediments,” Report of G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, December 4 (2010). [60 kb]

Lee, G. F., and Jones-Lee, A., “PCBs as an Unlikely Cause of Urban Aquatic Sediment Toxicity: Colorado Lagoon Sediment TMDL,” Report of G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, December 3 (2010). [29 kb]

Lee, G. F., and Jones-Lee, A., “Comments on ‘Draft Staff Report, Water Quality Control Plan for Enclosed Bays and Estuaries – Part 1. Sediment Quality Developed by State Water Resources Control Board, California Environmental Protection Agency July 18, 2008’” and Answers to SWRCB Staff Responses to Comments on September 2007 Proposed SQO Development Approach. Submitted to State Water Resources Control Board, Sacramento, CA. Report of G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, September 5 (2008). [33 kb]

Lee, G. F., and Jones-Lee, A., “Comments on the SWRCB Staff’s Proposed Approach for Developing Sediment Quality Objectives for Enclosed Bays and Estuaries of California,” Submitted to State Water Resources Control Board, Sacramento, CA, by G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, November 30 (2007). [111 kb]

Jones-Lee, A. and Lee, G. F., “Unreliability of Co-Occurrence-Based Sediment Quality Guidelines for Contaminated Sediment Quality Evaluation at Superfund/Hazardous Chemical Sites,” Journal Remediation 15:(2)19-34 (2005). [65 kb]

Lee, G. F. and Jones-Lee, A., “Appropriate Incorporation of Chemical Information in a Best Professional Judgment ‘Triad’ Weight of Evidence Evaluation of Sediment Quality,” Presented at the 2002 Fifth International Symposium on Sediment Quality Assessment (SQA5), In: Munawar, M. (Ed.), Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management 7(3):351-356 (2004). Expanded version [255 kb]

Lee, G. F., Jones-Lee, A., "Appropriate Incorporation of Chemical Information in a Best Professional Judgment " Triad " Weight of Evidence Evaluation of Sediment Quality" poster at the 5th International Symposium on Sediment Quality Assessment, Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management Society Chicago, IL, October (2002). [391 kb]

O’Connor, T. P., “The Sediment Quality Guideline, ERL, Is Not a Chemical Concentration at the Threshold of Sediment Toxicity,” Mar. Poll. Bull. 49:383-385 (2004). [37 kb]

Lee, G. F. and Jones-Lee, A., "Development of Sediment Quality Objectives for California," Presented at the American Water Resources Association national conference, San Diego, CA, November (2003). [68 kb]

Lee, G. F., and Jones-Lee, A., "Development of Sediment Quality Objectives for California" PowerPoint slides presented at the American Water Resources Association national conference, San Diego, CA, November (2003). [240 kb]

Lee, G. F., and Jones-Lee, A. "Unreliability of Sediment Co-Occurrence-Based Approaches for Evaluating Aquatic Sediment Quality," Excerpts from Lee, G. F. and Jones-Lee, A., "Organochlorine Pesticide, PCB and Dioxin/Furan Excessive Bioaccumulation Management Guidance," California Water Institute Report TP 02-06 to the California Water Resources Control Board/Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board, 170 pp, California State University Fresno, Fresno, CA, December 2002, updated August (2003). [30 kb]

Lee, G. F. and Jones-Lee, A., "Regulating Water Quality Impacts of Port and Harbor Stormwater Runoff," Proc. International Symposium on Prevention of Pollution from Ships, Shipyards, Drydocks, Ports, and Harbors, New Orleans, LA, November (2003). [102 kb]

Lee, G. F. and Jones-Lee, A., "Regulating Water Quality Impacts of Water Column and Sediment Contamination in Port and Harbor Stormwater Runoff," PowerPoint slides presented at Intern. Conference on Prevention of Pollution from Ships, Shipyards, Drydocks and Harbors New Orleans, LA, November (2003). [219 kb]

Lee, G. F. and Jones-Lee, A., “‘Co-Occurrence’ in Sediment Quality Assessment,” Report of G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, February (1996). [61 kb]

Lee, G. F., "Comments on SWRCB Sediment Quality Advisory Committee Kickoff Meeting for the SWRCB Program to Develop Sediment Quality Objectives for Enclosed Bays and Estuaries in California, Held on July 29, 2003." Report to the SRWCB Sacramento, CA by G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA September (2003). [48 kb]

Lee, G. F., "Comments on the Unreliability of the SWRCB Workplan for Developing Sediment Quality Objectives," Submitted to Arthur G. Baggett, Jr., Chairman, State Water Resources Control Board by G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, May 20 (2003). [193 kb]

Lee, G. F. and Jones-Lee, A., "Evaluation of the Water Quality Significance of the Chemical Constituents in Aquatic Sediments: Coupling Sediment Quality Evaluation Results to Significant Water Quality Impacts," In: WEFTEC '96, Surface Water Quality and Ecology I & II, Vol 4, pp 317-328, Proc. Water Environ. Fed. Annual Conference (1996). [204 kb]

Lee, G. F. and Jones-Lee, A., "Can Chemically-Based Sediment Quality Criteria Be Used as Reliable Screening Tools for Water Quality Impacts?" Invited Presentation for Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry News, April (1996). [14 kb]

Lee, G. F. and Jones-Lee, A., "Sediment Quality Criteria: Numeric Chemical- vs. Biological Effects-Based Approaches," Proc. Water Environment Federation National Conference, Surface Water Quality & Ecology, pp. 389-400, (1993). [59 kb]

Lee, G. F. and Jones-Lee, A., "Equilibrium Partitioning-Based Values: Are They Reliable for Screening Contaminated Sediment?" Sediment Quality Criteria - Letter to the Editor, Environ. Sci. & Technol. 27:994 (1993). [1,416 kb]

Lee, G. F., "Regulating Mercury in the Water Column and Sediments" Report to Dredge Tailings Workgroup, by G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA (2003). [2,210 kb]

Lee, G. F., "Comments on the CA Bay Delta Authority Dredge tailings issue paper: Draft 1/14/05 Mercury in Dredge Tailings: Considerations for Restoration, prepared by D. Podger," Report of G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, January (2005). [97 kb]

Lee, G. F., and Jones, R. A., "Sediment Quality Criteria Development: Technical Difficulties with Current Approaches (Condensed Version)," In: Proc. HMCRI R&D 92 Conference on the Control of Hazardous Materials, HMCRI, Greenbelt, MD, pp 204-211 (1992). [7,354 kb]

Lee, G. F., and Jones, R. A., "Evaluation of Potential Water Quality Problems Associated with Highway Excavation and Fill," IN: Leachates: Terrain Analysis, Transportation Research Record 892, Transportation Research Board, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC, pp 2-8 (1982). [13,036 kb]

Lee, G. F. and Jones-Lee, A., "Summary of Issues Pertinent to Regulating Bioaccumulatable Chemicals," Report of G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, September (1996). [837 kb]

Jones-Lee, A. and Lee, G. F., "Potential Significance of Ammonia as a Toxicant in Aquatic Sediments," Proc. First International Specialized Conference on Contaminated Aquatic Sediments: Historical Records, Environmental Impact, and Remediation, International Assoc. Water Quality, Milwaukee, WI, pp. 223-232, June (1993). [798 kb]

Lee, G. F., and Jones-Lee, A., "Comments on US EPA Proposed Sediment Quality Criteria Based on Acid Volatile Sulfide Normalization Heavy Metal Data," Submitted by G. Fred Lee & Associates to the Science Advisory Board Sediment Criteria Subcommittee, Washington, D.C., December (1994). [96 kb]
Dredged Sediment Assessment & Management

Lee, G. F., and Jones-Lee, A., “Issues in Evaluating Impacts of Dredged Sediment Confined Disposal Facilities,” Report of G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, March (2016). [195 kb]

Jones, R. A., Mariani, G. M., and Lee, G. F., “Evaluation of the Significance of Sediment-Associated Contaminants to Water Quality,” Proc. Am. Water Resources Assoc. Symposium, Utilizing Scientific Information in Environmental Quality Planning, AWRA, Minneapolis, MN, pp. 34-45 (1981). [977 kb]

Lee, G. F., and Jones-Lee, A., "Comments on Water Quality Impacts of Suction Dredge Mining," Comments submitted to CA State Water Resources Control Board, Sacramento, by G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, June 20 (2007). [20 kb]

Lee, G. F., and Mariani, G., "Evaluation of the Significance of Waterway Sediment-Associated Contaminants on Water Quality at the Dredged Material Disposal Site," IN: Aquatic Toxicology and Hazard Evaluation, ASTM STP 634, American Society for Testing and Materials, pp. 196-213 (1977). [6,486 kb]

Lee, G. F., Lopez, J., and Mariani, G., "Leaching and Bioassay Studies on the Significance of Heavy Metals in Dredged Sediments," Proc. Internat. Conf. on Heavy Metals in the Environment, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Oct 27-31, pp. 731-764 (1975). [8,997 kb]

Lee, G. F., “Experience in Working with PCB Pollution Issues,” Report of G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA (2014). [52 kb]

Jones-Lee, A., and Lee, G. F., “Water Quality Aspects of Dredged Sediment Management,” Water Encyclopedia: Water Quality and Resource Development, Wiley, Hoboken, NJ pp 122-127 (2005). [108 kb]

Lee, G., F., and Jones-Lee, A, “Development of a Contaminated Sediment Remediation Program,” Submitted to World Dredging, June (2005). [43 kb]

Lee, G. F., and Jones-Lee, A., “Disposal of Contaminated Sediments/Soils in MSW Landfills: Need to Consider the True Cost," Journ. Remediation 15(3):95-101 (2005). [28 kb]

Lee, G. F. and Jones-Lee, A., "Water Quality Aspects of Dredging and Dredged Sediment Disposal," Chapter 14 IN: Handbook of Dredging Engineering, Second Edition, McGraw Hill, pp.14.1-14.42 (2000). [19,130 kb]

Lee, G. F., "Comments on California Department of Water Resources July 26, 2004 News Release and Report on the Potential Impacts of Depositing Polluted Dredged Sediments on the Trapper Slough Levee," Submitted to California Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board, Rancho Cordova, CA, Report of G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, August 13 (2004). [40 kb]

Jones, R. A., and Lee, G. F., "The Significance of Dredging and Dredged Material Disposal as a Source of Nitrogen and Phosphorus for Estuarine Waters," IN: Estuaries and Nutrients, Humana Press, Clifton, NJ, pp 517-530 (1981). [838 kb]

Jones, R. A., and Lee, G. F., “Toxicity of U.S. Waterway Sediments with Particular Reference to the New York Harbor Area,” Chemical and Biological Characterization of Sludges, Sediments, Dredge Spoils, and Drilling Muds, ASTM STP 976, Amer. Soc. Test. Mater., Philadelphia, pp. 403-417 (1988). [2,114 kb]

Lee, G. F., and Jones, A., "Significance of PCB's in Dredged Sediments," Dredged Material Research Program Technical Report, Prepared for Office, Chief of Engineers, US Army, 64pp, August (1979). Executive Summary. [3,535 kb]

Jones, R. A., and Lee, G. F., "Evaluation of the Elutriate Test as a Method of Predicting Contaminant Release during Open-Water Disposal of Dredged Sediments and Environmental Impact of Open-Water Dredged Material Disposal; Volume I: Discussion," Technical Report D-78-45, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS. (1978) [10,008 kb]

Lee, G. F., Jones, R. A., Saleh, F., Mariani, G., Homer, D., Butler, J., and Bandyopadhyay, P., "Evaluation of the Elutriate Test as a Method of Predicting Contaminant Release during Open-Water Disposal of Dredged Sediments and Environmental Impact of Open-Water Dredged Material Disposal; Volume II: Data Report Part 1" (Pages 1-611) Technical Report D-78-45, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS. (1978). [Data Report Summary and Table of Contents only] [4,909 kb]

Lee, G. F., Jones, R. A., Saleh, F., Mariani, G., Homer, D., Butler, J., and Bandyopadhyay, P., "Evaluation of the Elutriate Test as a Method of Predicting Contaminant Release during Open-Water Disposal of Dredged Sediments and Environmental Impact of Open-Water Dredged Material Disposal; Volume II: Data Report Part 2" (Pages 612-1186 + appendix) Technical Report D-78-45, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS. (1978). [NTIS No. AD A061 710] [19,775 kb]

Lee, G. F. and Jones, R. A., "Water Quality Aspects of Dredged Material Disposal in the Gulf of Mexico near Galveston, Texas," In: Proceedings of the 14th Dredging Seminar, CDS Report No. 263 Center for Dredging Studies, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, pp 234-300 (1982). [1,869 kb]

Lee, G. F., Piwoni, M., Lopez, J., Mariani, G., Richardson, J., Homer, D., and Saleh, F., "Research Study for the Development of Dredged Material Disposal Criteria," Contract Report D-75-4, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS (1975). [NTIS No. AD A019 953] [Abstract only] [1,669 kb]

Lee, G. F., and Plumb, R. H., "Literature Review on Research Study for the Development of Dredged Material Disposal Criteria," DMRP Contract Report D-74-1, US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS, 145 pp, June (1974). [9,892 kb]

Lee, G. F., Review of the Port of Stockton's Proposed CEQA Negative Declaration for the Port's Proposed Dredging Project, "Comments on Port of Stockton Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration for Maintenance Dredging of Docks K, J and I," submitted to W. Jennings, DeltaKeeper, Stockton, CA, October 9 (2000). (48 kb)

Lee, G. F. and Jones-Lee, A., "Contaminated Dredged Sediment Disposal Criteria," Proc. ASCE "Dredged 94" Second International Conference on Dredging and Dredged Materials Placement, Orlando, FL, pp. 121-130 (1994). [5,011 kb]

Lee, G. F., "Issues in Establishing Contaminated Sediment Clean-Up Objectives," (Poster Session) Proc. Sediment Remediation '95 international conference, Wastewater Technology Centre, Burlington, Ontario, Canada, May (1995). [2,978 kb]
Site-Specific Studies

Kobayashi, S., and Lee, G. F., “Accumulation of Arsenic in Sediments of Lakes Treated with Sodium Arsenite,” Environ. Sci. & Technol. 12:1195-1200 (1978). [347 kb]

Lee, G. F. and Jones-Lee, A., “Progress toward Remediation of the Sydney Tar Ponds: A Major Canadian PCB/PAH ‘Superfund’ Site,” Journ. Remediation 17(1):111-119 (2006). [182 kb]

Lee, G. F., “Comments on US EPA Region 9's Response to DSCSOC's Request for Technical Review of the Reliability of Using Co-Occurrence-Based SQGs in a LEHR Site Ecological Risk Assessment,” Report of G. Fred Lee & Associates submitted to DSCSOC, February (2005). [41 kb]

Lee, G. F., “Comments on January 13, 2004, Draft Preliminary Problem Formulation Technical Memorandum for the West Branch of the Grand Calumet River, Lake County, Indiana, Prepared by Tetra Tech for the US Fish and Wildlife Service,” Comments Submitted to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service on behalf of the Sanitary District of Hammond, IN, by G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, February (2004). [56 kb]

Lee, G. F., “Comments on California Department of Water Resources July 26, 2004 News Release and Report on the Potential Impacts of Depositing Polluted Dredged Sediments on the Trapper Slough Levee,” Submitted to California Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board, Rancho Cordova, CA, Report of G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, August 13 (2004). [40 kb]

Lee, G. F., Jones-Lee, A., and Ogle, R. S., “Preliminary Assessment of the Bioaccumulation of PCBs and Organochlorine Pesticides in Lumbriculus variegatus from City of Stockton Smith Canal Sediments, and Toxicity of City of Stockton Smith Canal Sediments to Hyalella azteca,” Report to the DeltaKeeper and the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board, G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, July (2002). [491 kb]

Lee, G. F., “Comments on Tentative Waste Discharge Requirements for Port of Stockton West Complex Dock Dredging Project,” Comments Submitted to California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Central Valley Region, Sacramento, CA, August (2004). [26 kb]

Lee, G. F., “Comments on Notice of Tentative Waste Discharge Requirements for United States Army Corps of Engineers, Department of Water Resources and the Port of Stockton, Stockton Deep Water Ship Channel Maintenance Dredging Activities From Channel Mile 4.4 to Mile 41.0, Contra Costa, Sacramento, & San Joaquin Counties,” Comments Submitted to California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Central Valley Region, Sacramento, CA, February (2004). [31 kb]

Lee, G. F., “Comments on Notice of Tentative Waste Discharge Requirements for the United States Army Corps of Engineers, Water Resources Department and Port of Stockton, Stockton Deep Water Ship Channel Maintenance Dredging, Contra Costa, Sacramento, & San Joaquin Counties,” Comments Submitted to California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Central Valley Region, by G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, August 27 (2003). [22 kb]

Jones-Lee, A., and Lee, G. F., “Evaluation of the Water Quality Significance of Copper in San Diego Bay Sediments,” Division Environmental Chemistry, American Chemical Society meeting, extended abstract, Washington, DC, pp. 107-108, March (1994). [28 kb]

Jones, R. A., and Lee, G. F., “Toxicity of U.S. Waterway Sediments with Particular Reference to the New York Harbor Area,” Chemical and Biological Characterization of Sludges, Sediments, Dredge Spoils, and Drilling Muds, ASTM STP 976, Amer. Soc. Test. Mater., Philadelphia, pp. 403-417 (1988). [2,114 kb]

Lee, G. F. and Jones, R. A., “Overview Aquatic Life Risk Assessment Copper-Contaminated Sediments at National City Marine Terminal,” Submitted to San Diego Unified Port District, San Diego, CA, 63pp, July (1991). [397 kb]
Contaminated Sediment Management

Lee, G. F. and Jones-Lee, A., “Role of Aquatic Plant Nutrients in Causing Sediment Oxygen Demand Part I – Origin of Rapid Sediment Oxygen Demand,” Report of G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, May (2007). [108 kb]

Lee, G. F., and Jones-Lee, A., “Role of Aquatic Plant Nutrients in Causing Sediment Oxygen Demand Part II – Sediment Oxygen Demand,” Report of G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, June (2007). [235 kb]

Lee, G. F., and Jones-Lee, A., “Role of Aquatic Plant Nutrients in Causing Sediment Oxygen Demand Part III – Sediment Toxicity,” Report of G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, June (2007). [689 kb]

Lee, G. F., “Update on the Remediation of the Sydney Tar Ponds: Potential Health Effects of Offsite Odor Problems,” Report of G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, California November (2009). [37 kb]

Lee, G. F. and Jones-Lee, A., “Progress toward Remediation of the Sydney Tar Ponds: A Major Canadian PCB/PAH ‘Superfund’ Site,” Journ. Remediation 17(1):111-119 (2006). [182 kb]

Lee, G. F., “Comments on Joint Review Panel Environmental Assessment Report - Sydney Tar Ponds and Coke Ovens Sites Remediation Project,” Report of G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, July (2006). [28 kb]

Lee, G. F., “Comments on, ‘Remediation of Sydney Tar Ponds and Coke Ovens Sites Environmental Impact Statement, Sydney, Nova Scotia,’ dated December 2005,” Report of G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, USA, May 15 (2006). [344 kb]

Lee, G. F., “Assessment of the Adequacy & Reliability of the STPA Proposed Approach for Remediation of the Sydney Tar Ponds’ Sediments,” Presentation to the Sydney Tar Ponds and Coke Ovens Sites Remediation Project Joint Review Panel, Sydney, Nova Scotia, CANADA, PowerPoint Slides; G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, May 15 (2006). [411 kb]

Lee, G. F., “Experience in Working with PCB Pollution Issues,” Report of G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA (2014). [52 kb]

Lee, G., F., and Jones-Lee, A, “Development of a Contaminated Sediment Remediation Program,” Submitted to World Dredging, June (2005). [43kb]

Jones-Lee, A. and Lee, G. F., “Role of Iron Chemistry in Controlling the Release of Pollutants from Resuspended Sediments,” Journ. Remediation 16(1):33-41 Winter (2005) [83 kb]

Lee, G. F., Jones, R. A. and Saleh, F. Y., “Environmental Significance of Pesticide Residues Associated with Aquatic Sediments,” J. Environ. Sci. Health B14(4):409-437 (1982). [8,848 kb]

Lee, G. F., Sonzogni, W., and Spear, R., “Significance of Oxic vs Anoxic Conditions for Lake Mendota Sediment Phosphorus Release,” Proc. UNESCO-SIL International Symposium on Interactions between Sediments and Fresh Water, Amsterdam, 1976, W. Junk, Purdoc, The Hague, pp. 294-306 (1977). [856 kb]

Lee, G. F., “Factors Affecting the Transfer of Materials between Water and Sediments,” Published as Literature Review No. 1, Eutrophication Information Program, Water Resources Center, University of Wisconsin, Madison, July, 1970. [130 kb]

Lee, G.F., and Jones-Lee, A., “Oxygen Demand of US Waterway Sediments,” Report of G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA (1999). [193 kb]

Lee, G. F., and Jones-Lee, A., “Comments on Draft Functional Equivalent Document Consolidated Toxic Hot Spots Cleanup Plan, Dated April 1999 Developed by the Division of Water Quality, State Water Resources Control Board,” Submitted to CA WRCB, Sacramento, CA by G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, June 2 (1999). [61 kb]

Lee, G.F., “Supplemental Comments on Consolidated Hot Spot Cleanup Plan,” Submitted to Water Resources Control Board, Sacramento, CA, June (1999). [48 kb]

Lee, G.F., “Additional Comments on Technical Deficiencies on the Guidance on the Development of Regional Toxic Hot Spot Cleanup Plans,” submitted to J. Caffrey, State Water Res Control Board, Sacramento, CA, September (1998). [291 kb]

Lee, G.F., “Comments on ‘Draft Functional Equivalent Document Water Quality Control Policy for Guidance on the Development of Regional Toxic Hot Spot Cleanup Plans’ Developed by Division of Water Quality State Water Resources Control Board dated March 1998,” submitted to J. Caffrey, State Water Resources Control Board, Sacramento, CA, May (1998). [1,141 kb]

Lee, G. F., “Additional Comments on Technical Validity Issues for State Board Staff’s Proposed Incorporation of Chemical Information into the Sediment Quality Triad for Designating, Ranking and Toxic Hot Spot Cleanup Plan Development and Implementation,” Reportt of G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, Submitted to the State Water Quality Resources Control Board, Sacramento, CA, June (1998). [943 kb]

Lee, G.F., “Summary of Oral Testimony of Dr. G. Fred Lee at the Bay Protection and Toxic Hot Spot Public Hearing held May 11, 1998 in Sacramento, California,” G. Fred Lee & Associates, El Macero, CA, May (1998). [1,221 kb]

Lee, G. F., “California Water Resources Control Board Bay Protection and Toxic Cleanup Program: Problems with the Weight of Evidence Triad Approach,” Letter to J. Caffrey, State Water Resources Control Board, Sacramento, CA, January (1997). [975 kb]

Lee, G. F., and Jones-Lee, A., “Regulatory Issues Governing Establishment of Remediation Level for Copper in San Diego Bay Sediment,” Division Environmental Chemistry, American Chemical Society meeting, extended abstract and presentation slides, Washington, DC, pp. 104-105, March (1994). [1,651 kb]